Business Degree Programs

当你在俄克拉荷马城的中美基督教大学(MACU)获得商业学位时, you’ll be prepared with the knowledge and skills to stand out as an ethical, effective leader in a wide range of positions in virtually any industry. MACU, a bible-based university, 由中北部学院和学校协会(NCA)的高等教育委员会(HLC)认可. Here are a few reasons why business degrees are a smart investment:

  • Versatility当前位置商务学位课程包含了包括会计在内的各种各样的主题, business administration, management, and more–exposing a business major to a variety of disciplines. Your career options include accounting, finance, human resources management, marketing, sales, public relations, entrepreneurship, and technology, just to name a few.
  • Positive Job Outlook无论在哪个行业,你都可以确信商科专业的就业前景很好. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, business and financial occupations are projected to grow 8 percent from 2020 to 2030.
  • In-demand Skills: With the skills you learn in our business program, you’ll be prepared to generate a proposal, interpret and use financial data, create and manage a budget, and more. 你还将PG电子游戏如何提高和运用软技能,如口头和书面沟通技巧, 领导原则和协作能力是任何职业都非常需要的技能.

MACU Business Degrees Span Career Continuum

澳门大学的商业课程(传统和在线)由商业专业人士设计和教授,他们热衷于分享他们的现实经验, knowledge and insights with students. 商业课程的所有专业都以基督教原则为指导,所以你将拥有必要的工具来脱颖而出,成为一个知道如何改善包括政府在内的所有部门的企业职能的仆人式领导者, businesses and organizations, and nonprofits.   

Bachelor’s Programs In Business and Related Subjects


General Business Degrees

如果你正在寻找一个灵活的商业学位,在毕业后给你很多选择, then a general business degree may be ideal for you. 澳门大学设有工商管理学士学位和工商管理学士学位(管理学与伦理学). One degree is not better than the other. Your career goals, personality, 在决定哪个本科商科学位适合你的时候,优势将是你考虑的因素. 

Master’s Programs in Business

Advance your career with an online business master’s degree from MACU. Our convenient, 灵活和负担得起的课程是通往具有更高收入潜力的上层商业领导职位的大门. Increase your impact in the workplace with a Master of Arts in Leadership or boost your career with a Master of Business Administration (MBA). 根据你的兴趣和职业目标,你可以在MBA学位上增加一个专业. Optional specialized emphases include:

MBA Management Accounting or CPA Prep ↗

Choose between management accounting and CPA prep MBA programs.

MBA Communication ↗

Integrate business and communication strategy, whether dealing with staff, executives, stakeholders, or the public. 

MBA Healthcare Management ↗

Prep for leadership, execute plans for quality improvement, enhance processes & programs in clinical & non-clinical settings.

MBA HR Management ↗

PG电子游戏数字营销技能加上市场经济,消费者行为,商业金融,会计 & more.

MBA International Business ↗

Master principles & 管理在医疗机构日常管理中的应用.

Certificate Programs in Business

澳门大学提供多种认证,以促进管理水平技能的发展. Certification programs such as financial core accounting, healthcare management, and human resources management prepare students for more advanced degrees or greater workplace responsibilities. 这些研究生水平的证书也可以用来满足一个完整的研究生学位的先决条件.

What can you do with a Business degree?

Business degrees open up a world of possibilities, not only for you, but also for your local community and beyond. The skills you learn while studying business–analytical thinking, leadership, decision making, understanding the global business environment, and much more–are highly transferable and in demand. When you complete a business major, jobs you may be qualified for include: 

  • Management Consultant: Advise companies on how to improve their operations, increase efficiency, and solve business problems.
  • Marketing Manager: Plan, direct, or coordinate marketing policies and programs. This can involve determining the demand for products and services, identifying potential customers, and developing pricing strategies.
  • Financial Analyst: Provide guidance to businesses and individuals making investment decisions. 金融分析师评估股票、债券和其他类型投资的表现.
  • Business Analyst: Analyze a business or organization’s structure, processes, and operations to help them improve their efficiency and profitability.
  • Operations Manager: Plan, direct, or coordinate the operations of an organization. This can involve formulating policies, managing daily operations, and planning the use of materials and human resources.
  • Entrepreneur: Start your own business, using the skills you learned in your degree for business to plan, launch, and grow your enterprise.
  • Human Resources Manager: Plan, direct, and coordinate the administrative functions of an organization. They oversee recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of new staff; consult with top executives on strategic planning; and serve as a link between an organization’s management and its employees.
  • Sales Manager: Direct an organization’s sales teams. 他们制定销售目标,分析数据,并为销售代表制定培训计划.
  • Project Manager: 计划,协调,预算和监督项目从早期开发到完成.
  • Supply Chain Manager: Oversee and manage every stage of the production flow, from sourcing raw materials to delivering the final product to the customer, to maximize efficiency, productivity, and profit.
  • Business Development Manager: Identify sales leads, pitch goods or services to new clients, and maintain a good working relationship with new contacts.
  • Accountant: Prepare and examine financial records, ensure taxes are paid properly and on time, and assess financial operations to help businesses run efficiently.
  • Real Estate Broker: 经营房地产业务,你可以代表客户出售或租赁房产.
  • Public Relations Specialist: Create and maintain a favorable public image for the organization they represent.

The benefits of a major in business don’t end there. At MACU, 你也会成为一个负责任的商业领袖,有能力建立组织和系统,提高生活质量,发挥作用. You’ll learn how to drive innovation and economic growth, provide job creation and community development, and demonstrate ethical leadership and fiscal stewardship.

What do the best business degrees have in common?

The best business degrees, whether offered on campus or as an online business degree program, usually have several key features in common:

Reputable Accreditation

Degrees in business that are accredited by a reputable body ensure the education you receive has a recognized and maintained standard; the hallmark also offers you assurance of the program’s continuous self-assessment and improvement. 雇主、研究生院和专业许可组织都高度重视这一点. Furthermore, you can transfer credits between accredited institutions, opening up opportunities for financial aid. 


Comprehensive Curriculum and Faculty Expertise

最好的商学学位提供全面的课程,涵盖金融等核心商业领域, marketing, operations, management, and economics. This provides a well-rounded understanding of the business world. 这些课程也由拥有实际商业经验的学者领导,他们可以与学生分享自己的智慧, offering practical insights and examples. 

At MACU, 我们提供完善的商业课程,旨在使学生适应不断变化的商业世界, 涵盖所有关键领域,并确保对各种业务领域有全面的了解. In addition, 澳门大学的教师包括经验丰富的专业人士,他们的第一手商业经验将课堂PG电子游戏与商业舞台的现实联系起来. They also keep up with business trends and adapt programs accordingly. 澳门大学是俄克拉荷马州第一个开设数据分析专业学士学位的大学.

Career Support and Practical Experience

What could be better than attending a school that can help you land internships, find jobs, and navigate your career paths? At MACU, this support includes networking events, workshops, one-on-one advising, and other great student resources. Plus, we offer a strong, active network of alumni, as well as many opportunities for practical experience, such as internships, cooperative education, case studies, project-based learning, and capstone projects.


For working professionals or those with other commitments, the best programs offer flexibility in terms of part-time study, online classes, or evening and weekend classes. MACU’s accelerated business degrees online were created with busy adult students in mind. Prioritizing adaptability, MACU provides a host of features including prior learning credits, military-friendly policies, sequentially offered classes, nominal initial fees, and a supportive student services team, all designed to accommodate your study schedule seamlessly.

What can you do with a Master’s in Business?

Acquiring an MBA (Master’s of Business Administration) or a Master of Arts in Leadership will transform you personally and professionally, 为您提供多功能技能和行业见解,可以推动您进入多个领域的选择. 除了你从本科课程和过去或现在的工作经验中学到的东西之外, 这个层次的PG电子游戏将提供对商业概念和理论的更深层次的理解, real-world knowledge through internships, and valuable networking opportunities with other students, faculty, and alumni. Plus, you’ll gain advanced business knowledge and deeper critical thinking, leadership, and strategic planning skills. 所有这些对你现在的工作或毕业后的未来工作都是无价的资产.

拥有MBA学位的个人可以在商业管理方面追求更高级的职业, such as positions in operations, human resources, marketing, finance, accounting, etc. They also have the option to pursue business consulting roles, providing advice to companies in their area of expertise. Other options include teaching business courses at colleges and universities. An MBA helps if you want to switch careers, intend to become an entrepreneur, or are perhaps take over a family business.

MBA学位可以提高你的收入潜力,以及你的影响力范围和效力. Your critical and strategic thinking hone whatever business endeavor you enter, as well as better the lives of those you lead in this advanced role.

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